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Posted on October 24, 2019

How Virtual Reality has caused a major shift in porn industry

Mark Zuckerberg, the owner of Facebook once said: Virtual reality is better than ‘’limited’’ real world. While the validity of this statement can be subjected to serious moral arguments, it’s impossible to deny the high impact of virtual reality in our experience of the digital realm – as doing so will amount to self-contradiction.

Virtual reality, often shortened as VR has caused an extraordinary shift in the way we experience the world around us. The influence of this novel technology is fast-spreading across industries, and porn industry, especially has benefitted largely from it.

But someone somewhere may say: What’s all the fuss around VR porn? What has it really changed? If you’ve ever wondered why there’s so much talk around VR porn, this article is designed to answer your questions and clear any doubt you may have about this amazing technology.   

Whether you… are a porn addict seeking a new level of sexual experience… are an investor planning to venture into porn industry… are already in the porn industry but trying to make some progress away from the regular 2D porn videos… or are simply bored and tired of limited real world sexual experience, this article is meant to shed light on how VR porn will significantly transform your experience of sex, love and romance.

Why VR porn?

People are seeking more love, intimacy, romance and affection in their relationships. While some are lucky to get all these, they’re luxury for others. As a result, many people are out there heartbroken. Their inability to find a “perfect” sexual experience has created deep holes in their hearts and this is the problem VR porn was developed to solve.

Virtual reality porn is different from regular porn videos in that it enables an individual to become a participant in the digital sexual act. Does this make any sense to you? Simply put, VR porn is the latest technology in the porn industry that empowers people to take on the role of a director of a sexual experience they desire to have.

Anything form of sexual behaviour or act is possible on VR porn.  For example, you can assume a different gender, enabling you to explore your sexuality to the fullest in the way you wouldn’t in the real world. So, basically, VR porn helps to transcend the restrictions and limitations that come with real-world relationships. And that’s the main advantage of the technology.

However, concerns have been raised at different times on the tendency of the technology to fuel violent and unacceptable sexual conducts. For instance, individuals can hide under the unrestrictive nature of the technology to engage in highly violent and extreme sexual performance that wouldn’t have been permitted by anyone in the real world.

Also, the technology raises an ethical question over what consent means in VR experience. It’s possible for a user to create a digital version of their lover and make them do what they wouldn’t naturally do in the real world. In spite some cons identified with VR porn, the technology appears to have come to stay as it continues to enjoy wider acceptance.  

VR Cams

How does it work?

Unlike everyday porn videos that you either stream or download, VR porn is way more sophisticated and flexible in that you can easily personalize your experience. VR porn works with digital stimuli which communicates directly with the brain and human’s two most important sense organs – eyes and ears.

The moment you turn on your X-rated entertainment, your brain tells you that your body is engaged when in reality, you’re sitting right in front of your computer monitor. The whole idea of VR porn is built around make-belief sexual escape in its realest form. In that realm, several possibilities abound. You can decide to have threesome, or something more pleasurable. Popular VR porn sites are Badoink VR, Virtual Real Porn, Naughty America VR, Yanks VR, and others.

For you to watch adult entertainment content with VR porn, you need head-mounted display device such as Oculus Rift or Google Cardboard. While the former is quite pricey, the latter is a bit more affordable. Your budget may have to determine which one you’d go for. Besides, there are other similar brands in tech stores across the country. The experience you have with VR porn depends on the quality of your device’s display as well as the media’s.

VR porn may really be complicated. Unlike when you’re streaming regular porn videos where all that you need are your computer, the website, internet facility and yourself. In VR porn, you need a computer, a website, about a half dozen cords, a VR headset, two or more extra applications and a downloaded video.  These intricacies require some level of preparation ahead of the main show, making the process a bit frustrating sometimes. But you don’t have to worry over this as there are now many VR porn-aided devices that come in handy forms.  

People that use VR devices that have relatively high-resolution screens will have much better experience. A high-resolution screen enables the user to suspend their disbelief as their mind wanders. VR porn takes an individual to higher realm of sexual experience, one that is rarest or impossible in the real world.

Another beauty of VR porn is that it also showcases some popular mainstream porn stars like Tori Blacks, Riley Reid, and others. You can imagine engaging in sexual activities with the hottest babes in the industry.

In summary, VR porn and VR cams and changing the face of porn industry. If you’re a porn lover, and you haven’t tried any VR porn yet, it’s time to take your digital sexual experience to the next level. It doesn’t hurt trying something new.